Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Second Semester Senior Year...

So far, this semester has been pretty uneventful and really easy. At this point, I only really have three classes that I actually do things in, and those things are relatively easy and quick. You could say that I spend most of my day sitting quietly in my seat waiting for the bell to ring so I can go do the same thing in a different part of the building. A lot of it comes from the teachers, they understand the work ethic of the second semester senior and I don't think they expect much from us.

The phenomenon known as Senioritis hasn't really set in for me yet. I've been stressing about a lot of different things that haven't let it really sink in. A lot of my priorities have gone from my academic life to my music life. I have so many different projects going on that I don't know how to budget my time with all of them. I've got two college auditions in February that I just started putting together that play a big roll on whether or not I get into the school and/or get any scholarship money. I've been under a lot of pressure about how the hell my friend and I are gonna write, score, and record all of the music for the spring play this year -BTW it's gonna be dope so everyone should go see it. I'm doing Blue Knights again this summer, which is adding a lot to the stress load, but it also pumps me up. With everything going on, finding time to work on my own music has become hard to find. Overall, stress isn't letting Senioritis get its full effect on me yet.

Second semester senior year has and hasn't been as awesome as past generations of seniors cut it out to be. I thought it was just gonna be a lot of partying and not caring about anything. But, for me at least, there is so much other stuff going on that doesn't leave time for much just chillin out with friends.